September 28, 2023

Neck Deep announce new self-titled album

Welsh pop-punks Neck Deep have announced their fifth album, which is self-titled and due Jan. 19 via Hopeless Records (preorder). “With a return to roots approach, we made this record ourselves at our warehouse in North Wales, with [bassist] Seb [Barlow] at the helm, and the rest of us over his shoulder, like it was...

Touché Amoré’s Jeremy Bolm on following screamo’s roadmap with Balladeers, Redefined

Jeremy Bolm turns a vinyl disc over in his hands, holding its splattered colors up to the light, before pulling out an accompanying zine from its sleeve. Behind him are racks upon racks of records, the result of years upon years of collecting. This one, though, is special. Framed in a Zoom window, the Touché...

If Yves Tumor is anything, it’s everything

Yves Tumor appears on the cover of the Fall 2023 Issue. Head to the AP Shop to grab a copy. In an echoey gallery space on Canal Street, midway through a one-on-one rundown of his debut exhibition last summer, a visual artist suddenly stopped to ask me whether I’d heard Yves Tumor’s new album. The...